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Friday, June 29, 2007

Guy's the iPhone master !

So how cool is the new iPhone ? Today is lauch day in the US, and everyone on the planet is writing about this cool new phone. However only one person could do it in such a way that you need to read it twice before understanding the whole purpose of the post ... Guy !
The post is here, and the title is clear : "My iPhone review". However when reading it, it's more about AT&T and some stupid DSL problem he had with a truemors account. At the end of the reading you will be like "I though the post was about the iPhone, what a F&$££$$* ?"
Anyhow, read it again, and you'll find the one flaw that may be problematic for the iPhone because it seems granted it will a really great phone !


wheatgerm said...

I phones are awesome

Simon said...

Did you get one ?
How great is it ?